Stat 390

Consulting Workshop

The Department of Statistics offers a free, drop-in consulting service to members of the University community. Under the supervision of a senior faculty member, statistics doctoral candidates and experienced master's students provide assistance in areas including:

  • Experimental design;
  • Data analysis and interpretation of results;
  • Model fitting;
  • Time series;
  • Classification and prediction.
Note that there is no software support (consult with Social Science Data and Software, SSDS, instead).

If you are looking for consulting

Sessions are held in Sequoia Hall, Room 220 (the second floor, next to the stairs). Times for the fall quarter 2011 are: MON 2:15-4:15, WED 3:45-5:45, TH 11:30-1:30. We are open only when classes are in session. The first meeting will mainly be used to discuss the case in detail. Please bring your data, charts, plots, etc. After reflecting on the problem, consultants will provide advice in a second meeting.

For Students

If you are interested in taking the consulting class for credit, please see Stat 390
