Chiara Sabatti
Professor of Biomedical Data Science and of Statistics
Email: Sabatti AT stanford DOT edu
Office: R342 Edwards Building
Mail Address
Department of Biomedical Data Science (DBDS)
300 Pasteur Drive, Edwards Building
Stanford, CA 94305-5464
DBDS office
The Biomedical data Science department is now in the Edwards builiding.
Coming from the main campus, this is the third unit of the most southern part of e.d. stone building (after Alway and Lane). This building housed most of the old medical school and hospital and appears as one continuos entity: you can identify the units by the names on the doors. To reach DBDS, you should use the first door to Edwards (at the border with Lane). Just as you come through the door, you will find a stair on your left hand. DBDS is on the third floor. There is also an elevator, and a stair at the other end of the corridor. Once you are on the third floor, DBDS is in Edwards corridor with even number rooms, the southern corridor (keep in mind that the atrium you find yourself in on the third floor gives access to both the Edwards and Lane building). There is a sign infront of the entrance that clearly identifies the DBDS corridor. Unfortunately the door to the department space is locked. If your Medical School badge does not work, or if you do not have a Med School badge and you have an appointment with me, please send me an e-mail once you are there.
Data Studio takes place in Edwards R318, which is at the very end of the DBDS corridor. The best way to reach the data studio room is to actually walk till the end of the Edwards building and come up with the exterior stairs till the third floor. Once there, to enter the suite you have to go through a door that requires a badge. However, the room where data studio takes place has windows that look out on the landing: you can signal your presence to the group and someone will come out and open for you.
Administrative Associate
Natalie La Mariana
Phone: 650-773-7744
Please include Natalie in any e-mail to increase your chance of a prompt reply. If you are looking to find some time on my calendar, involving Natalie is an absolute necessity.