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Knockoffs for analysis of GWAS summary statisticsHe, Z., B. Chu, J. Yang, J. Gu, Chen, Z., L. Liu, T. Morrison, M. Belloy, X. Qi, N. Hejazi, M. Mathur, Y. LeGuenn, H. Tang, T. Hastie, I. Ionita-Iaza, C. Sabatti and E Candes (2024) Beyond guilty by association at scale: searching for causal variants on the basis of genome-wide summary statistics bioRxiv doi: Ben Chu's GitHubKnockoffs in JuliaBenjamin B Chu, Jiaqi Gu, Zhaomeng Chen, Tim Morrison, Emmanuel Candes, Zihuai He, Chiara Sabatti (2023) Second-order group knockoffs with applications to GWAS arXiv:2310.15069 Ben Chu's GitHubKnockoffZoomM. Sesia, E. Katsevich, S. Bates, E. Candès, C. Sabatti (2020) Multi-resolution localization of causal variants across the genome Nature Communications 11: 1-10 Matteo Sesias's GitHubAEGISJ. Zhu, Q. Zhao, E. Katsevich, C. Sabatti (2018) Exploratory Gene Ontology Analysis with Interactive Visualization Documentation and DownloadGeneSLOPEBrzyski, D., C. Peterson, E. Candes, M. Bogdan, C. Sabatti, P. Sobczyk (2016) "Controlling the Rate of GWAS False Discoveries", C., M. Bogomolov, Y. Benjamini, C. Sabatti (2015) "Hierarchical error control for eQTL studies", L. and C. Sabatti (2015) "Genetic variant selection: learning across traits and sites," arXiv:1504.00946 Zhang, K. Lange, C. Sabatti (2012) Reconstructing DNA copy number by joint segmentation of multiple sequences R-Forge Project Home: sparse hidden components analysisC. Sabatti and G. James "Bayesian sparse hidden components analysis for transcription regulation networks" Bioinformatics, Advance Access published on December 20, 2005 Text file containing an R function that samples from the posterior distribution of A,P,Z: BNCA.R Note that to perform the transcription network reconstruction described in the article, you need to have a prior probability on Z, derived from sequence analysis. In Sabatti and James (2005) we use the Vocabulon algorithm with this goal. The R Project for Statistical Computing VocabulonSabatti, C. and K. Lange (2002) "Genomewide motif identification using a dictionary model," IEEE Proceedings 90: 1803-1810. Sabatti, C., L. Rohlin, K. Lange, and J. C. Liao (2005) "Vocabulon: a dictionary model approach for reconstruction and localization of transcription factor binding sites" Bioinformatics, 21: 922 - 931. Volume MeasuresChen, Y., C. Lin, C. Sabatti (2006) "Volume Measures for Linkage Disequilibrium," BMC Genetics 7:54. |